Help & Support

We trust that our assistance system offers comprehensive support, featuring detailed content presented in a user-friendly manner for easy navigation. Your feedback is invaluable to us, and if you have any suggestions on enhancing our help system, please take a moment to share your insights with us. Your input will contribute to our continuous improvement efforts. Thank you for your collaboration.

  • Profile Help
  • Creating a Post
  • Creating a Project
  • Creating a Pitch
  • Getting Funding
  • Advertising Help


Welcome to our comprehensive help system, where we strive to provide concise explanations of how things connect and function. Our commitment to brevity is complemented by the inclusion of small, clickable images that expand upon interaction.

If you believe there's room for enhancement in our help system, we welcome your valuable feedback. Please feel free to reach out to us with your suggestions on how we can further improve. Your input is instrumental in our ongoing efforts to refine and optimize our services. Thank you for considering us for your assistance.

Profile Help

Upon registration, an initial profile is automatically generated for your convenience. Rather than crafting a new one from scratch, you can effortlessly enhance your existing profile by adding the required details. A conspicuous edit button, prominently featured on your profile page, provides a seamless avenue for making these adjustments at your convenience.

Help with Posts

Located at the top of the page, there's a dedicated button facilitating the creation of content. It's essential to note that prior to generating any content, the creation of a profile is required. This precautionary step ensures that each piece of content is associated with a corresponding name for clarity and accountability.

Currently, within the current phase of Founders Looking, users possess the capability to generate two distinct types of content: posts and projects. If the demand arises for additional content types, rest assured that we are committed to promptly incorporating new options to cater to evolving needs.

Help with Projects

Creating projects is a breeze! At the top of the page, you'll find a convenient 'Create' button. A simple click on this button opens up a menu, offering you the choice to create either a post or a project.

Currently, within the current phase of Founders Looking, users possess the capability to generate two distinct types of content: posts and projects. If the demand arises for additional content types, rest assured that we are committed to promptly incorporating new options to cater to evolving needs.

Help with Funding

Applying for funding is a straightforward process. Just click the 'Open Form' button, fill out the form that pops up, and click submit. Rest assured, we'll respond promptly with the next steps in the process.

Help with Creating a Pitch

Since this feature is currently under construction, help should appear once we have implemented the feature.

Help with Advertising

Please contact us if you would like to advertise on this platform and we will respond as soon as possible with complete instructions.